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Join me here for my latest thoughts, shoots,
advice and adventures!
I'd love to hear from you about what you'd like to see more of, or topics you'd like to see addressed - so reach out and say hello!

Female attorney headshot in Ballard WA

The *F* Word

For me, it means showing up feeling the way you’d want to for something that’s really important to you. Rested, refreshed, excited, prepared, and dressed and presenting in a way that represents you at your most confident and expressing your true personality.

I know what you’re thinking. “I hate the idea of getting my headshot!”, or “Mine is fine – I took it myself with my phone”, or “I’ll get around to it one of these days” (Yeah, sure). I can’t tell you how many cringy over-filtered 10 year old iPhone headshots I see out there that […]

Your brand aesthetic has a lot of heavy lifting to do.
You’re the architect of your business, 
but in front of my camera,
you and I are collaborators of the best kind.

When you’ve got a fraction of a second to make an impression on Instagram, you can’t afford
to miss the mark.
But you already knew that, right? ...

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Let's hang out in our jammies.

I keep it to things I think you'll find valuable, interesting, empowering, or fun!

...or if I'm offering something fabulous.

Let's be friends!