Seattle Lifestyle Sessions
I have come to look at business relationships like any other relationship. I want some common ground in terms of our belief systems, I want good communication, and I want collaboration, connection, passion and good humor.
I go out of my way to work with businesses that are conscious about their footprint on this earth, and who value all of the above. Why? Well, first off I believe that it is one way in which I can make a small difference in this world – connecting with and lifting up those business that hold those values that I think ultimately benefit the planet and society, and secondly because it imbues my own work with meaning beyond the dollar. We all need meaning in our lives – purpose. And while money can be a short term high it doesn’t ultimately fill that deeper need that every human seeks. Thirdly, it’s so much more fun to feel like my client and I are both looking in the same direction – both excited for the future of it, and what promises it can fill for their clients… all while being conscious of the health and wellbeing of the humans behind the product, the process, and the planet.
Bit by bit we can shift the trajectory of the entire planet. One tiny fraction of a degree will, over time, change that arc. So yeah, let’s create, collaborate, and party with that in mind! Here’s a couple businesses I love that are rockin’ that idea.