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3 Signs Your Business Needs Some Lifestyle Brand Photography

AND 3 THINGS I LOVED THIS WEEK… Hey – I know it feels like a merry-go-round of crazy right now, and we’re all just trying to achieve some semblance of keeping up with it all, but here I am, boldly acting as if life goes on and we all still have to make a living, […]

Where I’ve been chatting it up lately…

Losing my sh*t (in a good way) I can’t get enough of this… The above image is pulled from fashion designer Naomi Nomi’s website. Her homepage hero banner features the same model – as shown below. Thrilling! Can we get a f*ckin AMEN to this?! **Also, side note – the same website has a page […]

Why I feel the time has come… I’ve been thinking about getting off social media off and on for a long time now. I’ve tried to embrace it, to convince myself of its merits, and to keep up with the trends (short of doing dancing reels), all while experiencing an increasing feeling of unease over […]

Your brand aesthetic has a lot of heavy lifting to do.
You’re the architect of your business,  but in front of my camera,
you and I are collaborators of the best kind.

When you’ve got a fraction of a second to make an impression on your socials, you can’t afford to miss the mark.
But you already knew that, right? ...

Let's hang out in our jammies.

I keep it to things I think you'll find valuable, interesting, empowering, or fun!

...or if I'm offering something fabulous.

Let's be friends!

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