Hey – I know it feels like a merry-go-round of crazy right now, and we’re all just trying to achieve some semblance of keeping up with it all, but here I am, boldly acting as if life goes on and we all still have to make a living, grow our businesses and enjoy our life.
So in that spirit I was cruising through an ongoing list I keep of questions that people – both clients and otherwise, ask me and that I think might make a good newsletter or blog post down the road…or maybe right now. And this one was at the top of the list. “How do I know if I need lifestyle brand photography for my business platforms?” (And if you aren’t sure what that even is, I wrote a post explaining it HERE).
So here we go (and if this falls in the TL;DR category because all you can manage at the moment are fun snacks, then skip to the end where I share 3 things I loved this week).
Due to the nature of my business, I look at a lot of websites. And in the course of that, I find myself looking at a lot of really bad websites. Like, really really bad. It’s shocking how many of them there are, considering it’s a business’s first handshake so to speak.
So in my list of signs, the first one is if, when you go to competitor’s websites, or websites of businesses you admire, and you compare them to yours and find that your’s is, well, lacking – then take a moment to do a little visual inventory.
What are the differences you are seeing? Are the other websites more professional looking – but maybe you’re not entirely sure why? Is there a feeling of connectedness that is lacking on your own site? Are the images more consistent and professional looking – helping you to understand the “who, what, and why” of the business?
If any or all of these are the case, it’s probably a sign that you need some help with your visuals in order to send a clear, consistent message to your potential clients, and to give them some ways of feeling connected to you and what you do.
Remember – if you aren’t taking your online presence seriously, why should anyone else?
When you visit a website that makes you want to know more about that company and what they do, and through the course of navigating through the site you feel like you are getting to know them – trust them, and maybe even want to do business with them …stop and think about what it is about the site that’s making you feel those connections. Then ask yourself if those elements are present on your website. If not, it’s time to change that!
Another sign is that your images are either inconsistent or outdated (or, God forbid, both!). Consistency is one of the hallmarks of professionalism. It also builds trust – think about Starbucks…whether you love them or hate them, you can trust that no matter which store you walk into, your venti salted caramel mocha frappuccino is going to be the same. And outdated images, well I think that’s self explanatory. Businesses are not static. Building your website and socials isn’t a one-and-done endeavor – it’s a process and an evolution, and you want your clients to recognize you as you are now, and how your offerings might be shifting or evolving over time.
And if your imagery is inconsistent across your platforms – that’s confusing to your audience…who are you?
And lastly, if you’re not attracting your ideal clients that’s a sign that your visuals might not be speaking to your target audience. Imagery that reflect your brand’s energy, values, and aesthetic help attract the right fit.
Maybe your website is too text heavy…If you have to explain everything with words instead of showing it visually, you’re missing a golden opportunity to connect instantly. We are visual beings! Strong imagery communicates your message quickly and memorably, and is an opportunity to connect in relatable ways to your audience.
Or perhaps you’ve relied too heavily on stock photos (we all know them when we see them) which results in a very generic looking site. What sets you apart?
Generic imagery is not telling a story.
Authentic, behind-the-scenes, and personality-driven images build trust and make your brand more relatable. They tell the story of not only what you do, but why it’s important to you – what your value pillars are (huge opportunity for connection here!), and what your product or service can do or solve for your client.
So – if any of these are sounding a bit uncomfortably familiar, it might be time to chat up a brand photographer (I happen to know one 😉) and get all your questions answered so you can make some informed decisions on what your business needs to speak more clearly and confidently to your ideal clients.
- This article by Nelly Bryce “I want to see more women giving 60%” I mean, the title says it all – we all know what she’s talking about. Her side note “Do not do this if you are a doctor. This does not work for all professions” had me rolling. Who else sees themself in that post? P.S. And yes, I am subtly trying to guide you toward the wonders of Substack where you can find me actually enjoying myself on a social media platform!
- The Silent Room in Oslo’s “Future Library” embodies so many things I love… books (of course), a mysterious nature (nothing in this room can be read until 2114), the fact that it’s called “The Silent Room” (which, give me more of those please), and the integrated design of the place. I love it. I want to go check it out.
- This statement jacket (suede suede gimme more suede! Also, I need to win the Lotto), this new item at Trader Joe’s (I’ll be putting this on everything), and this book which I’m finding very entertaining, and my current fav to read just before bed.
That’s all folks! Thanks for hanging out!