When you want what you think you don’t.

Seattle Brand Photographer

Seattle Brand & Lifestyle Photography

In a world where “personal branding” appears to be the domain of 20-somethings striking moody poses in cool clothes, it’s easy to understand why many women entrepreneurs don’t connect with the term.

I get inquiries all the time where potential clients say “Oh – I don’t need a branding shoot…I just need updated images of me and my process/products for my website”.

Hey – guess what? That is branding my friend.

The term can be so overwhelming for the average business owner who’s neck deep in keeping up with the demands of their life – both business and personal, that they don’t even know where to start with creating meaningful content for their platforms. They throw up a quick website, toss in a few stock photos and a pic of themselves their friend took while on vacation and call it good.

Over and over again my clients say (after their shoot), “That was one of the most valuable investments I’ve ever made in my company”.

It’s no wonder… clients are more savvy than ever, and attention spans are getting shorter and shorter with the sheer volume of content produced online daily (hell, hourly!). Using that same cute shot of yourself someone snapped 8 years ago on all your platforms is not going to cut it. You have to grab your ideal client’s attention.

How do you do that?

You tell a story. YOUR story. Because when you do, you automatically differentiate yourself from the crowd, from the competition. No one else has your story.

And a good story has a structure.

Having someone walk you through every step of how to develop and tell that story visually will be THE thing that connects you to your ideal client. They will see you, and say “Yes! That’s what I’m looking for/need/want”.

And the rewards that come to you both personally and to your business’s bottom line are a direct result of that genuine connection you’re making.

The people you most want to work with – the ones you dream about finding, will start appearing. It will transform your business.

So get out there and tell your story. If you need help (shameless plug) I’m here to help, and I’ll walk you through every step. It has been the most fulfilling thing for me to see and hear the results my clients experience, and how much more confident they are about showing up in their business after a branding shoot.

I always encourage my clients to take some time to sit down and write deeply about why they started doing what they’re doing. What results they are getting for their clients, and what lights them up now and thinking about the future around their business.

Start there… give yourself some grace, see what happens!

When you want what you think you don’t.

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